Greetings MHE Parents,
The MHE Health Team at Mammoth Heights would like to introduce ourselves:
Meredith Becker MS RN School Nurse Consultant
- Identifies students with health conditions & develops plans of care
- Trains staff for care of students in the health room
- Is not present in the school building every day
Amanda Santiago & Pam Strong are the Health Assistants
- May or may not have a background in medical issues
- Takes care of students in the health room who are sick or injured during the school day and dispenses medications under the authority of the School Nurse
The DCSD medication policy requires that all medications that students take during the school day be given from the health room with a district medication request release agreement signed by parent and physician. Medication release forms can be found on the district website under Health Services, Medication Policy & Forms. Students are not permitted to carry any medications in their backpack or lunch sack unless this has been discussed with and approved by the School Nurse Consultant, Meredith Becker.
Students will be sent home from school if they have any of the following:
- Skin eruptions / rashes
- Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
- Fever of 100° or higher
- Symptoms following head injuries or other injuries
Please keep your students home following illness until they are:
- Fever-free, without medication for 24 hours
- Free of diarrhea and /or vomiting for 48 hours
- Have had 24 hours of medication for the following conditions:
- Strep throat or other conditions requiring antibiotics
- Bacterial conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Infected skin eruptions
Lastly, please make certain your contact information is up-to-date. If anything has changed, please contact our front office @ 303-387-8925. We want to be able to reach you as quickly as possible if a medical issue arises with your child.
We appreciate your help in keeping students safe at school and preventing the spread of infections!!
Please contact us with any questions!
Meredith Becker MS RN, cell 303-519-3912, [email protected]
Amanda Santiago & Pam Strong, Health Assistants, 303-387-8928